The Real Life Radio Show with Evangelist Anh Le | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn (2024)

The Real Life Radio Show with Evangelist Anh Le | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn (1)

Real Life Radio show is about testimonies of people with real problems who found answers in a Real God! You will hear from a variety of people who never believed in Jesus Christ, but how they found Real answers and encounters with a Real God. You will hear from former atheists,prostitutes, drug dealers, and many more; and how they all experienced powerful solutions in coming in relationship and faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe Faith really does work. Listen in...Real Life Starts now....

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Real Life Radio show is about testimonies of people with real problems who found answers in a Real God! You will hear from a variety of people who never believed in Jesus Christ, but how they found Real answers and encounters with a Real God. You will hear from former atheists,prostitutes, drug dealers, and many more; and how they all experienced powerful solutions in coming in relationship and faith in Jesus Christ. Maybe Faith really does work. Listen in...Real Life Starts now....







Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlDepressed: Does Jesus help with depression? Daniella Dorsette Part 2 of 2 with Anh Le7/29/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Lately we have been talking about the reality of faith and helping with issues such as depression and anxiety. Does faith in Christ really help those struggling with Depression? According to National Institutes of Health, faith based spiritual intervention is considered effective in reducing symptoms of depression. But is this for real? How does faith in God change your mental health? Let's look closer by talking to someone who has gone through this and discovered that faith in Jesus Christ changed her depression drastically. In our last show, we had Daniella Dorsette share with us how she struggled with depression as a child due to family issues in her family and a split up with her family. Her mother struggled financially, and she was often nearly neglected due to her mothers gambling addiction. Over the years, Daniella self medicated through parties, alcohol, and some drug use, and relationship with numerous men, but all of that failed to slow the deep depression she had throughout her life. She shared with us how a friend started telling her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and little by little, she began to give her life to Christ. She is going to tell us more about how faith has truly served as a benefit regarding her depression. Daniella, welcome back to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlDepressed: Does Jesus help with depression? Daniella Dorsette Part 1 of 2 with Anh Le7/29/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Today we are going to talk about the reality of faith and helping with issues such as depression and anxiety. Does faith in Christ really help those struggling with Depression? According to National Institutes of Health, faith based spiritual intervention is considered effective in reducing symptoms of depression. But is this for real? How does faith in God change your mental health? Let's look closer by talking to someone who has gone through this and discovered that faith in Jesus Christ changed her depression drastically. Daniella went through a lot of depression in her childhood, and even into her adult years, but today she says that faith in Jesus Christ has affected her life in such a positive way that depression no longer plagues her life. Daniella, welcome to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer Addict: He was severely burnt from making meth. Rodney Williams Part 3 of 3 with Anh Le7/22/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Lately we have been talking about the increase cases of Methamphetamine burn cases, and crystal meth use increasing all over the world. What is it that is behind this craze of this drug that is spreading all across the world? Did you know that many Crystal meth makers though getting so severely burnt, still suffer with great addiction to the drug. It is like, they can't stop. Or can they? In our last show, we had Rodney Williams tell us about how he suffered through lots of childhood trauma, from parents who told everyone they were Christian, but then they were so verbally abusive at home, many times calling each other names and having great unrest in the home. He also told us how he was trying to cope with an older man who sexually assaulted him as a young child, so as he grew, he found solace in creating his own place of happiness through the drugs. Today is going to tell us more about how this journey worsened until he one day was able to quit by following Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Rodney, welcome back to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer Addict: He was severely burnt from making meth. Rodney Williams Part 2 of 3 with Anh Le7/22/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Lately we have been talking about the increase cases of Methamphetamine burn cases, and crystal meth use increasing all over the world. What is it that is behind this craze of this drug that is spreading all across the world? Did you know that many Crystal meth makers though getting so severely burnt, still suffer with great addiction to the drug. It is like, they can't stop. Or can they? In our last show, we had Rodney Williams tell us about how he suffered through lots of childhood trauma, from parents who told everyone they were Christian, but then they were so verbally abusive at home, many times calling each other names and having great unrest in the home. He also told us how he was trying to cope with an older man who sexually assaulted him as a young child, so as he grew, he found solace in creating his own place of happiness through the drugs. Today is going to tell us more about how this journey worsened until he one day was able to quit by following Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. Rodney, welcome back to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer Addict: He was severely burnt from making meth. Rodney Williams Part 1 of 3 with Anh Le7/22/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Today we are going to talk about the increase cases of Methamphetamine burn cases, and crystal meth use increasing all over the world. What is it that is behind this craze of this drug that is spreading all across the world? Did you know that many Crystal meth makers though getting so severely burnt, still suffer with great addiction to the drug. It is like, they can't stop. Or can they? Today, we will have Rodney Williams join us, who was a former Crystal Meth maker and user, and he says that it was one of the hardest drugs to shake, but that he was able to do it through faith in Jesus Christ. Let's listen to his story and see what happened for him as he is going to reveal all about his life in tragic addiction that led to burning of his eyes, face, and neck through a crystal meth lab explosion. Rodney, welcome to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlNDE: He no longer was an atheist as soon as he died. Bryan Melvin Part 3 of 3 with Anh Le7/8/2024

Some atheists claim that religion is like a disease to the world, causing religious wars, planes going into buildings, and fanatic behavior that is dangerous to society. But is it dangerous to live and die as an atheist? In our last show, we had Bryan Melvin who died as an atheist from an untreated cholera infection, that he tried to just tough it out. He experienced meeting Jesus, and suddenly, he felt the judgment of God and was thrust into an experience that he never believed in, that he believes today was hell. He told us about the sights, sounds, and smells he experienced, and when he called upon the name of Jesus, he was thrust back into his body, today he is going to talk about how he dealt with the reality of knowing that there is a hell. Bryan, welcome back to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlNDE: He no longer was an atheist as soon as he died. Bryan Melvin Part 2 of 3 with Anh Le7/8/2024

Most atheists feel quite comfortable living as an atheist, and claim that atheism is clearly safer compared to those who believe in religion. Some atheists claim that religion is like a disease to the world, causing religious wars, planes going into buildings, and fanatic behavior that is dangerous to society. But is it dangerous to live and die as an atheist? In our last show, we had Bryan Melvin who lived this very thing, he lived and died from cholera as an adamant atheist, who rebelled from his parents Christian faith, he lived as if there was no God. He shared with us how he realized there was life after death the second he was out of his body and looking back at his body, and his spirit started ascending through the ceiling, through the sky, into a deep dark void, and he approached heaven and felt love and light, and beautiful music. Bryan, welcome back to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlNDE: He no longer was an atheist as soon as he died. Bryan Melvin Part 1 of 3 with Anh Le7/8/2024

Today we are going to talk about whether or not it is dangerous for someone to live and die as an atheist. Most atheists feel quite comfortable living as an atheist, and claim that atheism is clearly safer compared to those who believe in religion. Some atheists claim that religion is like a disease to the world, causing religious wars, planes going into buildings, and fanatic behavior that is dangerous to society. But is it dangerous to live and die as an atheist? Well, today we will have Bryan Melvin who was an adamant atheist living in Arizona USA, and he suffered from a near death experience, where he had an encounter with the afterlife he says, and it was a surprising turn of events for him, and a shock. Today, he believes that there is a God, and His son is Jesus Christ. Bryan, welcome to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer Addict: Jesus set him free from Cocaine addiction. Alex Rivera Part 2 of 2 with Anh Le6/24/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and weare going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but foundanswers in a Real God. Lately, we have been talking about whether or not Jesus can help someone stop a heavy addiction to cocaine and other drugs. 75% of drug users can overcome drug addiction with the proper treatment and care, but can faith in God change anything for someone. Apparently, 73% of rehab programs have a spiritual element that help people to overcome drug addiction. In our last show, we had Alex Rivera join us, and he was telling us about how he grew up with an addictive personality, and his addictions started from p*rnography, and then grew to weed, and other drugs. Despite him almost dying, and despite even friends overdosing around him, he couldn't stop and was caught in an everlasting cycle of addiction. He just wanted to die because of all the pain and brokenness he felt inside. Today he is going to share with us how what he says, that faith in Christ changed him forever. Alex, welcome back to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer Addict: Jesus set him free from Cocaine addiction. Alex Rivera Part 1 of 2 with Anh Le6/24/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Today we are going to talk about whether or not Jesus can help someone stop a heavy addiction to cocaine and other drugs. 75% of drug users can overcome drug addiction with the proper treatment and care, but can faith in God change anything for someone. Apparently, 73% of rehab programs have a spiritual element that help people to overcome drug addiction. Today, we will have Alex Rivera, who was heavily addicted to various drugs of choice. He says that Jesus has the power to set people free from addictions, and he was one of those who have been set free. Let's hear what he has to say and reveal about drug addiction, and how he overcame that. Alex, welcome to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer Witch: She wanted control, it almost destroyed her. Marianne Velez Part 3 of 3 with Anh Le5/28/2024

We have been talking about why people get involved with psychics, and look for supernatural power through the form of witchcraft. Witchcraft is on the rise all around the world, and it is becoming popular in western culture. But what is it exactly? Witchcraft historically has always meant the use of magic or supernatural powers to inflict harm or misfortune on others. It isn't advertised that way, but this has always been its definition. And people are loving it. However, are there adverse effects to getting involved in witchcraft? In our last show, we had Marianne Velez share with us her experience in getting involved with witchcraft. She shared how though she was seeking witchcraft for overall protection and receiving blessings in her life, she found herself getting hooked on cocaine and really bad things happening to her, for example she got raped by 2 men. She was left so traumatized, that she nearly wanted to commit suicide. She ended up in a psych ward, and she didn't know what else to do. She had hit rock bottom, and she didn't know what to do. Today she is going to share with us what she found, and surprisingly, Jesus was the answer for her life. Marianne, welcome back to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer Witch: She wanted control, it almost destroyed her. Marianne Velez Part 2 of 3 with Anh Le5/28/2024

We have been talking about why people get involved with psychics, and look for supernatural power through the form of witchcraft. Witchcraft is on the rise all around the world, and it is becoming popular in western culture. But what is it exactly? Witchcraft historically has always meant the use of magic or supernatural powers to inflict harm or misfortune on others. It isn't advertised that way, but this has always been its definition. And people are loving it. However, are there adverse effects to getting involved in witchcraft? In our last show, we had Marianne Velez share with us her experience in getting involved with witchcraft. She said she was introduced into using psychics and mediums at a young age, and she always felt like she was missing something so she was using witchcraft to discover who she really was, and to feel whole. But she didn't experience that, instead, this lifestyle opened up the door for some harmful experiences she will share with us today. Marianne, welcome back to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer Witch: She wanted control, it almost destroyed her. Marianne Velez Part 1 of 3 with Anh Le5/28/2024

Today we are going to talk about why people get involved with psychics, and look for supernatural power through the form of witchcraft. Witchcraft is on the rise all around the world, and it is becoming popular in western culture. But what is it exactly? Witchcraft historically has always meant the use of magic or supernatural powers to inflict harm or misfortune on others. It isn't advertised that way, but this has always been its definition. And people are loving it. However, are there adverse effects to getting involved in witchcraft? Today we will have Marianne Velez, who got heavily into pyschics, witchcraft, and many spiritual practices, and she says that there was a lot of harm introduced into her life through practicing these things. She later on found refuge in Jesus Christ, and today condemns witchcraft. Marianne, welcome to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer Muslim: Jihadist comes to Jesus. Tomas Samuel Part 4 of 4 with Anh Le5/20/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Lately, we have been talking about the dangerous reality of Radical Muslims converting to Christianity. Did you know Baylor University institute established in 2015 that 10.2 million Muslims were converting to Christianity? But in countries with radical Muslims, and with Sharia Law, it is against the law for a Muslim to convert to any other faith, especially Christian, and the crime is punishable by death according to Sharia Law. In our last show, we had Tomas Samuel share with us his passion to commit Jihad, and he planned to go to war, but the operation got stopped. He was do depressed as a young man, because this was the hour the young man was living for. He shared how he later became a teacher in the radical Islamic faith, and even started speaking on TV regarding teaching Jihad and the cause of the radical Muslim faith. He taught others to commit Jihad, and to live their lives to die as a martyr committing Jihad, that it was the greatest honor for any Muslim. He told us that over time, he had a dilemma, he was trying to deconvert Christians to become Muslim, but over time he slowly became more like an atheist than a Muslim. He started losing his faith, all while still being one of the top teachers and TV hosts talking about Jihad and the glories of it. But he started living a secret life of partying, girls, drugs, and really living a secret life. Today, he is going to talk about how he came to know Jesus Christ as His Savior, and he was forced to flee as a Christian away from his homeland. Tomas, welcome back to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer Muslim: Jihadist comes to Jesus. Tomas Samuel Part 3 of 4 with Anh Le5/20/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Lately, we have been talking about the dangerous reality of Radical Muslims converting to Christianity. Did you know Baylor University institute established in 2015 that 10.2 million Muslims were converting to Christianity? But in countries with radical Muslims, and with Sharia Law, it is against the law for a Muslim to convert to any other faith, especially Christian, and the crime is punishable by death according to Sharia Law. In our last show, we had Tomas Samuel share with us his passion to commit Jihad, and he planned to go to war, but the operation got stopped. He was do depressed as a young man, because this was the hour the young man was living for. He shared how he later became a teacher in the radical Islamic faith, and even started speaking on TV regarding teaching Jihad and the cause of the radical Muslim faith. He taught others to commit Jihad, and to live their lives to die as a martyr committing Jihad, that it was the greatest honor for any Muslim. He told us that over time, he had a dilemma, he was trying to deconvert Christians to become Muslim, but over time he slowly became more like an atheist than a Muslim. He started losing his faith, all while still being one of the top teachers and TV hosts talking about Jihad and the glories of it. But he started living a secret life of partying, girls, drugs, and really living a secret life. Today, he is going to talk about how he came to know Jesus Christ as His Savior, and he was forced to flee as a Christian away from his homeland. Tomas, welcome back to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer Muslim: Jihadist comes to Jesus. Tomas Samuel Part 2 of 4 with Anh Le5/20/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Lately, we have been talking about the dangerous reality of Radical Muslims converting to Christianity. Did you know Baylor University institute established in 2015 that 10.2 million Muslims were converting to Christianity? But in countries with radical Muslims, and with Sharia Law, it is against the law for a Muslim to convert to any other faith, especially Christian, and the crime is punishable by death according to Sharia Law. In our last show, we had Tomas Samuel explain to us how he was raised as a Salafi Muslim in Egypt, and was taught that radicalism and Jihad was the purpose of his life, he was willing to go to war and fight with the Jews and Christians. He shared with us the abusive tactics the teachers would use to reinforce the learning of the Quran, and he talked about how he lived in an environment where there was no other option than to believe and follow this proposed God, Allah. Today he is going to share with us how he became a top leader and teacher of radical Islam, but deep inside, he still felt empty and like something was missing. He later realized, that part that was missing was Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer Muslim: Jihadist comes to Jesus. Tomas Samuel Part 1 of 4 with Anh Le5/20/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Today we are going to talk about the dangerous reality of Radical Muslims converting to Christianity. Did you know Baylor University institute established in 2015 that 10.2 million Muslims were converting to Christianity? But in countries with radical Muslims, and with Sharia Law, it is against the law for a Muslim to convert to any other faith, especially Christian, and the crime is punishable by death according to Sharia Law. Today, we will have Tomas Samuel who was a former Salafi Muslim from Egypt. He is going to talk about how he was raised to become a radical Muslim that had a desire to go to war with the west and sacrifice his life as a martyr. He became a well known spokesperson to inspire many radical Muslims, until over time, he found himself in despair and lived a life looking for real answers. Today, he says he found those answers in his forbidden conversion to Christianity. Tomas, welcome to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer partier: He will never go back to that life. Nicholas Bowling Part 2 of 2 with Anh Le5/6/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Lately, we have been talking about the party lifestyle in college, fraternities, what it is like for a young man to live it up, have quote unquote, innocent fun, and we are asking the question, is the party lifestyle that fulfilling? Many older men are always raving about their old party days, and are dreaming of the past. Young highschoolers can't wait to get into college and live it up, girls, alcohol, drugs, sounds like so amazing right? Well, in our last show we had Nicholas Bowling share with us, how he grew up Christian, but really didn't have a connection with God, he was watching p*rnography secretly, and as he got older, he expressed his desires on multiple women, usually meeting them at parties and the like. He stopped going to church, and instead lived the party lifestyle and became very popular in school. When he went to college, he joined a fraternity, and he revealed the crazy situations he had in that frat. However, he shared with us that all this partying and different relationship left him with a lot of emotional wounds, where he was changing for the worse. Today he is going to share more. Nicholas, welcome back to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlFormer partier: He will never go back to that life. Nicholas Bowling Part 1 of 2 with Anh Le5/6/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Today we are going to talk about the party lifestyle in college, fraternities, what it is like for a young man to live it up, have quote unquote, innocent fun, and we are asking the question, is the party lifestyle that fulfilling? Many older men are always raving about their old party days, and are dreaming of the past. Young high schoolers can't wait to get into college and live it up, girls, alcohol, drugs, sounds like so amazing right? Well, Nicholas Bowling who was part of a fraternity and a party house, tells us the truth about what went on in his life, how he was living that very college lifestyle, and he is going to unravel his whole experience, and what he learned from it. Nicholas says that he is a Christian today, and that reading the bible is more fulfilling than all of his party days. Is this for real? Well, let's ask him. Nicholas, welcome to the show.


Ask host to enable sharing for playback controlSexually Abused: Jesus healed her pain. Elizabeth Hershberger Part 4 of 4 with Anh Le4/30/2024

Hi this is Evangelist Anh Le, welcome to the Real Life Radio Show, and we are going to talk to Real People, who had real problems, but found answers in a Real God. Lately we have been talking about a very uncomfortable subject, talking about and exposing how 2% of women experience sexual abuse from their own biological fathers. Listener discretion is advised, as the contents you are about to hear are disturbing and intended for a very mature audience. Yes, it is a small percentage, but it does happen. One out of 40 girls will experience sexual abuse from their biological fathers. Just talking about it is quite disgusting, but it is necessary as we are going expose the reality some girls go through, and how horrible it really is. In our last show, we had Elizabeth Hershberger share with us how she was continuously sexually abused by her father, and even being brainwashed to think it was normal. But deep inside she hated it, and was tormented by the act again and again. She shared with us that the sexual abuse stopped when she got married, but the effects continued on, where she was feeling so hopeless and used by the past, that she wanted to end her life. In the process of nearly ending her life, she encountered God in such a new way, and started to follow Jesus, and today she is going to talk about how Jesus brought answers to impossible questions. Elizabeth, welcome back to the show.


The Real Life Radio Show with Evangelist Anh Le | Listen to Podcasts On Demand Free | TuneIn (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.